Saturday, 17 August 2013

The concept of beauty

Recently I have been through a thought provoking journey through the state of Jharkhand, which is not very much developed and is majorly a Coal producing state of India; and in its own accord a Major Energy Backbone of Country.
In fact I was so intrigued by the Beauty of the state that i decide to write something about it. Upon giving it a thought ( though not much thought was required) i thought why not to write the basic first.

So i started to record my thoughts on the Concept of beauty. Why we perceive beauty? and More over what should be called beautiful ? why certain things which are called Beautiful are Not so Beautiful for others and people often changes their choice of Beauty. Is the concept of the beauty so unstable or is it dependent upon the Learning which a Human Being undergoes since comes into this world? Or is there a General and Absolute ( at the same time) scale of beauty? if yes then how can i relate the beauty in an art piece and Beauty of a natural Landscape? These are the tip of the iceberg, which means i have several hundred question about beauty. Like Why a beauty form like a Girl's cant be measured with Beauty of Landscape?

The answer of these question lies in the basic truth  that is being that "we have some things hard wired in our brain and some things are which we learn and give the next generation as hard wired perception" example is perception of the art form which we learn to appreciate from the learning ( which we may learn from any body) and another example of natural Heritable perception of beauty is Landscapes of nature. Nearly everybody likes the landscapes in certain degree.

Another example of the hardwired perception towards Beauty is the soothing effect of the Music. Now most of the people will say how music can be beautiful? well beauty is not to be seen but perceived. Some Child like the certain kind of music while sleeping and certain other type of the children may like totally different type of the music while sleeping.
These kind of perception which is there since birth can be due to embryonic learning or may be transferred from parents to child through certain genes. but my point is Type Two perception of beauty,

While i traveled I had came across several types of persons ( or of several Ethnic nature) these were local tribes, City dwelling - ipod/smartphone clad creatures, City dwelling - Businessman and many more.

I had been into many discussion about how magnificent was the Cloud Formations and How Beautiful was the Village - Local tribal girls and in one particular discussion i came across a group who was discussing the greatness of the God's Beauty ( Human Beings) over the Natural Beauty ( Landscapes).
I being a photographer was moved by this discussion and tried to decide which one is great and well i failed miserably as i could not relate the abstract  Beauty of both things, but may be you guys can.