Saturday, 7 January 2017

Blank is state of mind

What is going around ?  Lately have you asked this around? Well I am just as baffled as anybody would be these days around. I am not talking about why somebody died, how did Mr.Trump managed to get a thumping victory in the US elections. Also I am not at all confused with the mystical questions of life, for I have known for long, no point in finding truth, which just can’t be found out.

The questions which usually baffles me is exactly where we are heading as a country, as a society, as a city. Where we are heading as a civilization. In my last write up I had thought about greed. How it is guiding us to our doom. We all know that till now we have not got any proof that any civilization has lasted for more than 2000 years in continuum except what we are living in. But look closely what is exactly we are following. How much of last 2000 or 3000 years has been used and understood.
All I know and can see is history is being used to create tele-drama. We are not looking at the bigger picture here. Chances are that we are already messed up pretty much and are heading towards our doom. Lets not get that much negative. But definitely everybody will agree, these days all we can hear is how somebody has killed others, how a airliner has gone down, trains subjected to accidents and fathers killing their families.

The positives are like thin waffles, in the sea of gourmet dishes which has tones of various negatives. My mind is numb, not because I am not a normal person, but due to the fact, the societal structure is getting destroyed. Lot of folks will relate this with constant change through which society is going through. Free will of person matters more than anything.

But lets see the stuff from a different point of view. What is one thing which you care about ? Like I care about my family, what is yours. Put that in center and ask yourself that what are the actions you have taken today which will ensure that they are happy TODAY. Not yesterday, not tomorrow but today in this moment. I have not got any answer, I was blank. And that’s why I say blank is state of mind.

We are working to earn money, forgetting that there are stuff which matters, which matters more than anything in word. Things which cant be measured with anything. Time which just flows, does not matter what happens. May be you don’t love your family much. Lets say I love physics, even then I have not done anything which will satisfy me.

I am being subjected to whims and fancies of my boss at the place I work. May be you are a person who is working for something or somebody. Or you may be having your own company, but even in that case you are subjected to market regulations and whims of population. The same population who is made up of people like me, who have lost it already, in their subconscious mind, the power of thinking and making things count.

So what’s makes me say the same sentence over and over again? News papers are filled with voices, of people who are suffering in one way or another. Every day I see more news of rapes, murder by those people who are supposed to lead the current generation. Those who are trusted with life are misusing of trust. Pleple are doing heinous things for the fun of it. Freedom comes with a rider of responsibility. But we are looking at a more unruly world. Half of world is in war state, remaining half is in grip of corruption. Corruption which is as rampant as the life itself.

I can go ahead and come up with references of what I have just written, but then it will be a reference piece, not a personal blog.

Here I am putting my tired keyboard (yes you read right!) some rest, with some lines
What’s the use if we can’t consume something, which we have earned or in some way have gained possession of? And if we can’t consume it then why to go to great lengths to acquire it?